A few notes to begin this review...
The reason for my fascination with the recent activities may seem odd to some, but she is a car-wreck, pure and simple. It is tough to not give in to the temptation and slow down and take a look at the flaming wreckage. One quick glance at her Twitter ramblings will make anyone curious as to what exactly is going on in her life. I don't mean to disparage her, or her weight, or her addictions most importantly. However, it is her complete lack of self awareness of those various issues that makes her so entertaining. And the most interesting thing about her Twitter account are the sycophants who follow her and send her messages. Men(presumably) so desperate that they send her messages fawning over her and telling her how she's just as beautiful now as she was twenty years ago. Simply amazing. I'm actually brainstorming some ways to write about the psyche of these men. Anyways, on with the book.